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Be the Light

Bible Verse: Proverbs 16:24 "Kind words are like honey-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

Insight: It's interesting to me that words are so deeply embedded in our lives, we read them, listen to them, speak them, and even feel the impact that they have on our emotions, and yet we are not more cautious with them. I doubt there are many of us going to the grocery store and yelling at the person who cut us, but there are more subtle ways to use our words in anger. How do we communicate with our loved ones when a problem comes around? Are we peacefully discussing what we feel or are we using spite and anger as the main weapon? Do we use our words as a pillow or as a knife? We can go through life with complete knowledge that our words carry meaning and still use them to hurt others. This passage is reiterating what we've experienced first-hand, "kind words are like honey." The compliments, advice, and love we give through our words make just as much of an impact as the negative ones do—the difference is that we have the power to uplift others rather than tear them down. When we read scripture and confide in God's word we are truly given wisdom in all aspects of our lives. We have insights on heartbreak and struggles—we are shown time and time again how much God understands us. The world around us will fail us, but we will see His hand in our lives when we put our hope and trust in what God has to say.

Work application: The way we conduct ourselves at work is important and carries so much weight. As Christians, we should be leaning on God's word for every aspect of our lives, and it should be evident in our demeanor and even the kind of employees that we are. The way we speak to our coworkers or approach tasks should show the grace of God and intentionality of kindness. We are a living testament to God's word and it should be evident in our words and actions. Now, I understand we are human beings and we may feel bothered by another employee's unresponsiveness, or they may intentionally try to be hurtful, but the scripture does not ask us to fight fire with fire. We have the power to be employees that are kind, responsible, and leaders for the company even amidst the negativity of others. Not only are we uplifting the company when we do this, but we are also uplifting God and what His word says. Jeff McHugh, co-author of From Illusion to Reality, speaks on the idea of servant-leadership in a company that may differ from others' values. He expresses that as a professor he has been able to witness so many students come back to him and tell him about their experiences in the workplace. He explains that they spoke about the peace that they felt and the positive impact they had on the people around them. They even got to be a light to those around them. Let's strive to be that light in our workplace and everywhere we go.

Grateful: I am grateful that God has given me so much direction and understanding in His word and that He gives me the ability to show others His goodness through my words.

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Contributor: Jessica Carrera holds a B.A. in English with a concentration in writing and a minor in Biblical Studies from Biola University. She aspires to touch the lives of others through her words.

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